Cool fact

Did you know that the number 142,857 has a unique property when it comes to multiplication? It’s called a cyclic number, and here’s why:

When you multiply 142,857 by the numbers 1 through 6, the result is a cyclic permutation of the original number:

  • 142,857 × 1 = 142,857
  • 142,857 × 2 = 285,714
  • 142,857 × 3 = 428,571
  • 142,857 × 4 = 571,428
  • 142,857 × 5 = 714,285
  • 142,857 × 6 = 857,142

However, when you multiply it by 7, the result is 999,999:

  • 142,857 × 7 = 999,999

This fascinating number showcases the beauty and patterns within mathematics!

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